🗓️ DATE: 6 -14 August 2024
📍 PLACE: Svätý Jur, Slovakia
🧠TYPE: Erasmus+ Training Course
🎯 TOPIC: Environment, ecology
👥 AGE ELIGIBILITY: 18+ years old
✍️ DEADLINE to apply: 4 July 2024, 23:59
🔎 Learn more and apply >>
The ECOWave project aims to encourage responsible behaviour and galvanise willingness to take up or push for action at local, national and global levels, converging with a wider aim of promoting empathy, responsibility and care for the environment. Mobility’s activities correspond to the increasing importance attached to sustainability in learning mobility that includes ecological, societal as well and economic aspects and meets the immediate need to provide appropriate instruments and materials supporting critical thinking and enabling youth to think about their daily lives.
The overall aim of the mobility program is to teach young people to be able to come up with various instruments and strategies that will enhance, facilitate, and maintain environmental sustainability including discovering, reducing and solving ecological problems in different forums.
The learning objectives of the training are:
To enhance the understanding of participants and participating organisations about climate change issues and their impacts;
To increase the skills of participants and participating organisations in addressing environmental sustainability in their communities that could also help in climate change mitigation and adaptation;
To enhance the capacity of participants and participating organisations to initiate campaigns and awareness-creation activities aimed at fighting climate change;
To improve the knowledge base on how the media particularly social media can be effectively used as a tool for creating awareness about fake news/misinformation in relation to climate change;
To develop interpersonal, teamwork, and leadership abilities of participants within cross-cultural environments;
To build new relationships between participants and their organisations which will lead to the generation of new project proposals to be funded under the Erasmus+ Programme.
The methodology of the mobility:
The mobility will be based on non-formal learning methodology such as name games, icebreakers and team building exercises, discussions on what non-formal education is and its elements, Youthpass presentations, group work on key competencies, energizers, individual work on various issues, interactive inputs about main topics, debates or simulations. During the mobility days participants will join reflection groups to think about their learning process. They will gather some input on key elements of campaigns and learn about a few tools that they can apply in making them as well as develop their own campaign ideas. These campaigns shall be launched by the participants in their communities. The team of experienced international trainers will establish a learning environment and facilitate the process.
Young people from 18 years old;
Ready to take part in the whole mobility;
Be interested in the topic of protecting the environment and mitigation and adaptation efforts towards climate change;
Be able to communicate in the English language.
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organisers. Travel costs will be counted based on the distance calculator of the European Commission and reimbursed by bank transfer after the course (in EUR) through the sending organisations. The maximum travel cost according to the distance calculator for Armenia is 400 Euro.
The deadline for applying is 04 July 2024 at 23:59 Armenian time. Hurry up, as we have limited time related to visa issue. Interested candidates can apply by filling in this form: ✍️ https://forms.gle/HzyHNywA5VkNMmTD7
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